Friday, February 12, 2021

Regal Cultured Wives Salon Quiz

Etiquette Quiz 

Etiquette Quiz for Regal Cultured Hypergamous Wives & Wives to be Salon

1. Is it appropriate to ask a stranger you just met what they do for a living?

a. Yes, of course! We spend most of our days working! It's a great way to build rapport!
b. No, it is very rude, because it's intrusive. Instead, ask what excites them about their field.
c. Who cares if it's polite, that way we can know how much money they make & if we can use them.

2. When you dine, what is the correct place of your bread, main plate and water?

a. Bread to the left, main plate in the centre, water to the right
b. Bread to the right, main plate in the centre, water on the left
c. Main plate to the left, both bread and water on the right
d. Main plate on the right, both bread and water on the left

3. What is Hypergamy?
1. Polygamy on steriods
2. Marrying up. Marrying a man at or above your income and social status
3. A woman providing for multiple men and also family members
4. A woman providing for vulnerable broke men.
5. A man providing for multiple women 

4. Your Chinese client's wife is wearing a fur shawl at dinner, and says how much she likes wearing fur. You...

a. Throw the wine glass at her and give her a lecture on why your values are superior to hers
b. Compliment her taste in general and keep social conversation, and transition on to next topic if uncomfortable
c. Ask her how much it costs and is it expensive
d. Start abruptly talking about the weather

5. Which one of the following is appropriate to do?
a. Talking about divisive controversial political topics to people you just met at a cocktail party
b. Start moralizing to your new contacts online and call them names if they disagree
c. Posting about the details of your health problems and sex life on social media
d. Call the number on the RSVP number invitation to confirm within 48 Hours

6. How do you place your fork and knife during dinner when you need a break (British style)?
a. Cross knife and fork on the plate
b. Knife and fork in an upside down V shape
c. Knife and fork together in a six o'clock position
d. Knife and fork together on a breadplate or a napkin

7. The Russian wife of a businessman who your husband's firm wants to secure an account from says she is not a feminist. What would you tell her?

a. "You have internalized misogyny! I know that Russian women get abused a lot!"
b. "Ha! Russian women are mail-order-brides! Have you gotten your citizenship yet?"
c. "How interesting, you are an independent thinker!" (and move to the next topic)
d. "F*ck the patriarchy!" (throw the wine in her face) "Divorce your husband!" (then tell your own husband in front of her that you want a divorce)

8. A high-value person by definition...
a. Has an internal locus of
b. Has an external locus of control
c. Blames the patriarchy
d. Is always the victim

9. A foreign VIP contact means well, yet says something which you find ignorant and offensive

a. Give them a moral lecture on why they are wrong and you are right
b. Take them aside/PM if online, acknowledge their well-meaning and privately share your concerns
c. Call them out, rally your supporters and make the person uncomfortable to teach them a lesson
d. Be passive-aggressive to them and then cry victim when they defend themselves and start laughing at them

10. Which of the following represents a high-value woman who is successful both personally and professionally?

a. An aggressive woman who picks random fights
b. A nice woman who avoids conflict
c. An assertive woman who never starts fights, but sets boundaries and enforces them
d. A pickmesha omega doormat who twists herself into a pretzel for hopes of being liked

11. What color is a silver fork?

a. A knife
b. Green
c. Silver
d. Pink

12. Etiquette and Elegance is...

a. Sounding fancy and looking pretty
b. Putting people at ease and putting their eyes at ease
c. Only practised by the British monarchy
d. An outdated concept of institutionalized oppression of cis-men
e.Knowing what a fish fork is but being rude to the staff of those you try to impress

13. Which of the following are Elite Mindset? (pick more than one)

a. Long term thinking combined with cultivating a network, because network = networth
b. Grab the bag and run
c. Being polite and cultivating genuine relationships since you never know which bears fruit
d. Being transactional, using people for what you need and dumping them when you no longer need them
e. Adding value, thinking and talking about self-development, ideas, dreams and goals
f. Saying you are the table, but aside from your looks adding no value since all you do is gossip and drama 

14. Which of the following are Poverty Mindset? (pick more than one)

a. Long term thinking combined with cultivating a network, because network = networth
b. Grab the bag and run
c. Being polite and cultivating genuine relationships since you never know which bears fruit
d. Being transactional, using people for what you need and dumping them when you no longer need them
e. Adding value, thinking and talking about self-development, ideas, dreams and goals
f. Saying you are the table, but aside from your looks adding no value since all you do is gossip and drama 

15. Affluent powerful men who are surrounded by BEAUTIFUL women are more likely to marry 
A. A Jackie Kennedy, who adds to his prestige, helps him build a legacy, helps him double his network.
B. One of the characters Marylin Monroe played, whose looks and femininity are her only asset.

16. Do you understand this is not a group for the now popular sugar baby or sugar daddy dating 
--- but for both women interested in marrying up, as well as married women also interested in everything elegant and beautiful that aids them on a life long journey of self-improvement like the classics, high art, couture, stoicism, etiquette, mindset development, fitness, beauty,  haute cuisine, philosophy, literature, opera, classical music, the art of living, etc.

A. No, I don't want to understand. Who's your daddy? 
B. Yes, I understand that there are a lot of groups for sugar babes, and I respect this is a safe space for ladies who are interested in hypergamous marriage and not into the sugar baby route, as well as cultured wives continuing their life long journey of self-development, who want to see the latest in culture, the classics, etiquette, sophistication and the world of elite fashion in a pro hypergamy safe space.

17. Elegant ladies agree to abide by Hegelian dialectic and rules of Rhetoric. What is this?
A. Start throwing insults at people you disagree with and call them names because you think it's empowering
B. Rhetoric is stating your argument with reason and logic, no ad homenium (personal attack). The goal is to develop new knowledge, not throw shade. Hegelian Dialectic is not using personal attacks but thesis, then counter-thesis (the contradicting idea of the other person), then the two of you combine this information in a synthesis. Hegelian dialectic = thesis -> counter-thesis -> synthesis. 
C. Rheutroic is stating your argument by throwing shade at the other party, the nastier the personal insult the better. Helegian Dialectic is when you rally other bullies against your target to help ridicule and shame them. Hegelian Dialectic: hate -> moralize -> rally -> shame -> ridicule 
D. Hegelian dialectic is using hate speech on people you don't like, and rhetoric is using love speech on people you like. 

18. High-value women always are
A.  Reciprocal, Not thirsty, building themselves, cultivating long term relationships building their networks
B. Gossiping, causing drama, being thirsty and desperate, pushy grab and go transactional types.

19. The point of fashion for a high-value woman is 
A. To Keep up with the Joneses
B. For both personal relationship and professional success, to make the impression that opens doors
C. To copy what other celebrities are wearing, especially Kim Kardashian 
D. To wear as few clothes as possible so men notice your almost naked body faster.

20. Which way do you add value to our community? 
A. Finding relevant interesting articles, pictures and videos and posting them, encouraging other ladies
B. Posting all the videos and photos of what your boyfriends gave you and mocking less financially comfortable members of the group bragging, starting drama, being passive-aggressive and starting fights. 
C. Putting other ladies at ease, including not showing off, agreeing to never use ad homenium (attacks on the person), always use rhetoric and Helegian dialectic so that different ideas in an international group leads to growth and new ideas, and more understanding instead of fighting. 
D. Benefitting from those who post content and telling them thank you, while putting ladies at ease in your speech
E). A, C, and D are all different great ways to add value to our community. 

Thank you and good luck! 


Maria Al Masani our founder's fun selfies.


Maria Al Masani Makienko
Maria Al Masani Makienko

Maria Al-Masani
Maria Al Masani

Maria Al-Masani 
Maria Al Masani Makienko
Maria Al-Masani 
Maria Al Masani Makienko
Maria Al Masani

Maria Al Masani Makienko
Maria Al-Masani

Regal Cultured Wives Salon Quiz

Etiquette Quiz   Etiquette Quiz for Regal Cultured Hypergamous Wives & Wives to be Salon 1. Is it appropriate to ask a stranger you just...